Contact Info

If you'd like us to help you promote a gig, an event, the latest updates on you or your band - or anything that all that has to do with music in Malaysia, kindly drop us an e-mail at

and we'll do our best to post it up as soon as possible*! Also, you can e-mail us should you have any enquiries regarding ActsMarksTheSpot! Cheers!

*If it's a gig or an upcoming show you'd like us to post, if possible please e-mail us the necessary details about the event (pics and info) at least 5-6 days before the date of the event itself. It's for the benefit of the readers, so that they'll be well informed earlier and can plan ahead to attend the event, preventing the 'oh cannotla.. but if u told me earlier sure can'.. you know what i mean.

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